What IS this? A center for ANTS?!

What IS this? A center for ANTS?!

No, this isn't a center for ants.

This is a journal. A chronicle, if you will, about the epic journey that I have chosen to endeavor.

In October of 2010, it was decided that I would run a marathong. These blog entries are stories that recorded the very moments which brought me to the ultimate event: The Surf City Marathong, February 6, 2011.

Since then, I have completed the Shamrock'n Half Marathong in March 2011, and now I'm training for another event...

The Parkway Half Marathong, April 30, 2011.

I've already finished a marathong... this should be CAKE...


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Race Coming Up...

Hello friends! Long time no blog!!

It's that time again! I've got another race coming up this Sunday, March 13! The Shamrock'n Half Marathong is my next battle, and I've got some new goals and aspirations for this event!

Since the marathong, it's been a bit hard for me to find the motivation to continue training. I mean, I just finished a freakin' marathong, WHAT'S LEFT TO DO?! Ha, jk. Anyway, I've managed to fit in a few good runs for the upcoming race, and I'm actually getting really excited in this last week before the race. There are a bunch of people running it, and I'm really amped. My boss, my running partner, my boss's friend, my running partner's fiance, so many awesome people!

So this week, it's really all about hydrating and eating super healthy. My goal for this race is to get a sub 2 hour time. My last half marathong back in May was a 2:07 finish time, so I'm hoping I can get sub 2hrs. I think I can do it...

I ran with my running partner on Saturday...10 miles. My knees hurt a bit and my arches starting cramping for some reason. I did just start wearing a new pair of shoes, but it's just so weird. I haven't have arch problems since my days in college playing lacrosse. Hopefully they won't give me any problems next Sunday.

Anyway, that's all for now... But here are some pictures from the marathong in Huntington Beach... epic...

So many people at this thing!!! I'm somewhere in the back...

I started running out of poses for the cameras...


There's me at the  bottom left! I FINISHED 26.2 MILES! HOLY SH*T!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm looking forward to reading about your training and the upcoming half martahong! I hope you can stay injury-free this time. Train smart! Thanks for messing with my head. It turns out running isn't so bad, huh? I've started trying to add running into my exercise plan and I've sorta enjoyed it. My long, at ~6, doesn't come close to 26.2, but maybe i'll work up to that...maybe. =)

  3. You said, "I've already finished a marathong... this should be CAKE...


    ...which reminded me of:

