What IS this? A center for ANTS?!

What IS this? A center for ANTS?!

No, this isn't a center for ants.

This is a journal. A chronicle, if you will, about the epic journey that I have chosen to endeavor.

In October of 2010, it was decided that I would run a marathong. These blog entries are stories that recorded the very moments which brought me to the ultimate event: The Surf City Marathong, February 6, 2011.

Since then, I have completed the Shamrock'n Half Marathong in March 2011, and now I'm training for another event...

The Parkway Half Marathong, April 30, 2011.

I've already finished a marathong... this should be CAKE...


Friday, December 31, 2010

Marathonging with a Drama Queen

After my 3 mile run on Wednesday, I noticed that my achilles tendon in my right foot was super sore. I didn't remember doing anything to it, but I just couldn't seem to stretch it without it hurting... Not a huge deal, but I just popped some ibuprofen and went to work.

At work, I went about my day as usual, but all throughout my day, the soreness never really went away. And with each passing hour that my foot was still sore, I slowly became slightly more depressed. "What about my long run on Friday? 18 miles!" I would be so effed if I couldn't run.

By the end of the day, the pain was still there and after coming home and jumping in the shower, I looked down at my foot and noticed that my entire right ankle was swollen.


What the hell man. I didn't do ANYTHING to you. You're just doin' me wrong Mr. Foot. Way wrong right now.

I had no idea why my ankle blew up like a balloon and like I said before, I don't remember doing anything to it. But why was my ANKLE swollen when my achilles tendon hurt? So weird! So annoying!!

I took yesterday off to rest, but I am SO SICK of taking days off. Why can't I just run like a regular person?! This injury, or whatever it is, is really testing me. Lately, I've been thinking more and more about just giving up. Training for this marathong is SO time consuming, and my body is always so tired. My entire running schedule is structured around my work schedule, and work has me putting in a lot of hours. So really, I run at the ass-crack of dawn, or really late at night. I'm just so exhausted of battling with reasons why I shouldn't run.

Anyway, after not running yesterday, I decided to run today and then do my long run tomorrow. My parents keep telling me to get it checked out by a doctor, but really, what's a freakin' doctor going to do. "Well, Ms. Lee, it looks like a case of hyperexcercisingtivity with an acute case of nooneissupposedtorun26miles-itis. I recommend rest for 2 weeks."....REST. Eff rest right now.

I just want to get through February. I don't care what limbs I lose until then, but until February arrives, I simply just can't take any more time off. These long runs are so crucial to me because it's helping me mentally, and it's teaching my body how to recover from a long run.

I don't know. Maybe I'm completely wrong. This is, after all, my first marathong. All I know is that this foot needs to be amputated, but I'm stuck with it. I may as well teach it a lesson and get through these next few weeks. I don't have much time left until this marathong...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The title of this entry pretty much says it: I HAD TO PEE.

I logged in a 10 miler today and to prep for it, I drank a TON of water last night. I've been feeling so sluggish and totally wasted (not the drunk kind) on my runs that I wanted to try and get back into it and feel good.

Anyway, I get up this morning and begin gearing up. And I always leave a last minute bathroom stop in my routine to make sure I'm "empty" before a run...especially a 10  mile run where there are 0 bathrooms. Maybe  couple port-o-potties, but nothing I'm willing to stick my bum into. GROSS. So I use the potty (my potty, not the port-o-potty) and head out the door.

I start running and, I am just NOT feeling this run right off the bat. I'm slow, my muscles kind of hurt already, and I'm just not happy to be out. I get about 1.5 miles into the run and all of a sudden, "UH-OHH".

I should have been in one of those incontinence commercials. You know, you're going through your daily routine, happy music playing in the background...you're laughing with your friends... then the camera pans over to just you with the facial expression that says, "Holy $#&@, I'VE GOTTA GO!" Good lord, that was SO me.

So I get this "feeling" and I tell myself, "You know what, Tiff. Just run faster. It'll make your body forget that you have to go!"

Totally logical, right?

I decide to run faster and pick up the pace, no problem. In fact, I feel like my method of just continuing to run is actually working. When I played lacrosse in college, I would forgo MANY trips to the bathroom due to my fear of getting on my coach's bad side. And normally, when I would "hold it", I was able to continue on with practice and totally forget about having to go. By the end, I'd finally remember, "Oh yeah!"

So my logic was actually working for me.

I was about 2 miles in when I decide to stop. My muscles weren't feeling right, and I just wasn't comfortable, so I decided to stop and stretch for a bit. As SOON as I stopped, "UH-OHHHH!!"

Holy crap, what the hell. FML, this sucks! I've gotta think of something! ANYTHING! OMG! WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO?! Oh man oh man oh man oh man....

No bathrooms. No port-o-potties. All I had around me was a nice long running trail, and mother nature's lush green trees, plants, and bushes...


And don't go and start JUDGING me for taking care of business because you know what? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT FEELS LIKE. The hopelessness! The desperation! THE DESPAIR!! You just do not know....so don't you TELL ME NOTHIN' (snap with the shaniqua neck moving side to side)!!

I know this blog will probably gross some, if not all, of you out, but since I'm still posting it, I obviously don't care (I do, but not enough to not write this...ha).  I felt it was a necessary part of the journey to record, because gross or not, I can guarantee that about 90% of all athletes have had to go pee during a practice, or a training session. I can also guarantee that ALL of my college friends have peed outdoors at one time or another, so REALLY, NOT A HUGE DEAL. It'll just be a funny story to look back on and laugh at.

And look at you guys! You're lucky enough to laugh at it with me too!!

So laugh it up, everyone. But I'm just 1 more run closer to my marathong... :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Holidays (aka the Enemy)

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday consisting of friends, family, and many good times!

I haven't blogged for almost a week now, but sadly, not much has happened since my last entry. I've been getting over a cold, so I haven't been able to run much. In fact, I skipped my long run (16 miles!) and I skipped a few short runs. All in all, I've managed to stay out of my running for shoes for a total of 4 days and I recently just got back into it all yesterday with a 5 mile run and again today, with a 3 mile run.

I didn't think it would be that bad getting back into the swing of things, but HOLY SHNYSKEES, Christmas really did me in. I traveled into the Bay Area for Christmas this year and was able to see my family. On the menu: PURE AWESOMENESS with a CRAP LOAD of DELICIOUSNESS. I think I had about 100 lbs of all of that on Saturday.

Anyway, I geared up for a 5 mile run yesterday, and headed off to run down by the river. I was only like, 3/4 of a mile into the run and I was just SO NOT feeling it. I felt sluggish, slow, and it felt like my muscles just didn't want to function. The only thing I had to blame was... the delicious food! I was just surrounded by sweets, fats, carbs, and everything else you could imagine! So now, I'm sitting here, chugging on my H2O, and eating only veggies and carbs because I have a 10 miler scheduled for tomorrow, and I"ll be damned if I'm comfortable.

I hate so badly how what you eat has a direct correlation to how you feel when you perform. I mean, my actual PERFORMANCE was the same. I completed by run at the same pace, but I just felt like poop. And right now, with all the left overs surrounding me, it's so hard to just eat right!

We'll see how this 10 miler goes tomorrow. The good news is that I'm about 90% over my cold and ready to run again. Let's hope for the best!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Welp, it's official. I've caught a cold.

The onset of everything was so weird, though. Sunday evening, I went out shopping, did my normal thing, came home and felt a small tickle/scratch in my throat. I thought to myself, "I"ll just start taking Zicam and some Vitamin C. That should do the trick." Afterall, I've got Christmas coming up where I have to see the fam, and it's pretty much a busy week in general. No time for colds!

Monday came, and I still had that scratch in my throat. I went to work as usual, but by the end of the day, I became a freakin' mouth-breather because I couldn't breathe through my nose! I was so stuffed up, my head hurt, and my body started aching. You want to know the first thing that popped into my head when I realized this was more than just a scratchy throat?


Yes, now that I've been training for this marathong, all I think about is running. It nearly stresses me out. My boss even told me that I obsess over it. Not in a good way either. It's like, all I can think about during the day is the run I have to get up for the next morning, which, let me tell you, is the ASS-CRACK OF DAWN. And once I finally finish that run, I feel somewhat accomplished for the day, but by 10am, I begin to think about the next run. It's like a freakin' DRUG. Except I don't actually enjoy running. But all I can think about when I'm not running, is when I get the next "fix" of running. I can't wait until this marathong is over.

Anyway, all I could think about Monday was how sick I felt and what I should do about my 10 mile run the next day (Tuesday, today). Should I run? Should I sleep? If I run, I could either sweat the germs out of my body and maybe it'll make me feel better, OR I could possibly make it worse. But skipping a 10 miler is kind of a big deal to me. I don't want to go through my entire Tuesday thinking that I could have maybe finished it. I'd probably just complain all day that I didn't run and I would feel like I'm truly not preparing for this marathong. And trust me, my co-workers are already tired of how much I talk about running. I could only imagine what their faces would look like if I complained about skipping this run.

After all that thinking, I made a decision: I was going to run. And I did. 10.03 miles today at 4:54am. Stupidly early, but I did it. And side note: I totally got lost. I was lost enough to have to pull my phone out of my pocket and GPS myself to find out where I was. I went about a mile out of the way of my route. OOPS.

So here I am, feeling just as sick as I felt on Monday, but I am 10 miles closer to finishing the marathong training. I almost think that if I skipped this run, I would have felt worse. Hopefully, I can get over this cold ASAP because I really can't afford to skip much training.

I remember my days back in college when I played lacrosse. During the sick season, there would be a few of us who would have to keep out of practice because we were sick. I think back on that now, and after enduring so much running and torture to my body from marathonging, I would NEVER have skipped practice knowing what I know now about feeling sick and wanting to stay active. It's sort of crazy what you're willing to put your body through when you want to achieve something athletic.

Anyway, I plan on taking tomorrow off. I am scheduled to run 3 miles, but I think I should just really kick this cold. And 3 miles is skippable. To me anyway. We'll see how long this cold lasts, but hopefully I'll be back and healthy as ever.

SO to anyone feeling sick right now: SUCK IT UP YOU FAT PANSIES. I JUST RAN 10 FREAKIN' MILES TODAY.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I totally thought of that title while on my 16 miler today. I thought it was pretty clever. Maybe not.

Anyway, today, I logged in 16 miles. 16 MILES! That's the most I've ever gone so far, so I have to say, I'm quite proud of myself. In addition to that, it was actually probably the best long run I've logged in so far.

Last week, I ran 14 miles for my long run and I was EXHAUSTED almost the whole time. And the entire time I was running, all I could think about was how I was only running 14 miles (half of the real race) and I was so butt tired. How the hell was I going to survive the marathong?! Well, silly me, I didn't think of it at the time, but I hadn't even thought of endurance supplements for my long runs. The last time I had GU was back in July, I think, and I had it on a 12 mile run. I didn't really feel a difference, and I just felt like I was consuming calories and not really expending them. But today, I ate a GU pack (Vanilla Bean: pretty tasty) 15 minutes before I started running, and then at another pack 45 minutes after that, and then one more 45 minutes after that.

Being able to compare how I felt last week, at 14 miles, with just water, to today, at 16 miles with water and GU... OMG. OH MY GU. It was like I was a completely different person. I actually felt GOOD running. Normally, I always feel like I wish I hadn't decided to run the marathong, but today, I was energized and kept a good pace! Of course, 16 miles is 16 miles, regardless of how much GU I consumed, and my legs and feet still are sore, but the time I spent running wasn't miserable. And that is awesome.

I managed to run a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathong and kept an average pace of sub 9 min for the entire run. Maybe not fast to some of you crazy runners, but for me, I'll take those numbers. Today was exactly what I needed to regain some of the motivation I lost over the last few runs of twisting my ankle and dealing with crappy weather conditions and blisters and all. Hopefully I can take this feeling and carry it on into the next couple of months. Come Januray, I'll be running 20 miles-ish and probably REALLY wishing I didn't decide to run this race... but we'll see!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

To run? Or not to run? That is the Question.

Issued by The National Weather Service
Sacramento, CA
3 pm PST, Thu., Dec. 16, 2010
I hear the words "RAIN STORM" and my first thought is "G D it. What about my long run on Saturday?!" Weather.com says that we've got a doozy of a storm a-comin' and now all I can think about is how I'm going to survive my 16 mile run on Saturday. I'm really starting to dread Saturday mornings now that my long runs are increasing in miles pretty quickly. By mid-January, I'll be at 20 miles....20 MILES!!! Now comes the part where I start to wonder why I decided to do this in the first place.
OH! Real quick: My friend Ryan recently ran a marathong in Hawaii a few days ago and did so awesome!! It was his first marathong and the totally AMAZING part of it all: HE DIDN'T EVEN TRAIN FOR IT. I hate people like that. What the hell is up with people just being BORN with the ability to do amazing things? It's like, all they have to do is EXIST, while us normies have to spend all this time training for stuff. Makes me totally neurotic, but I'm so proud and jealous of him! And Hawaii no less! Anyway, GO RYAN!
Okay, back to it: RAIN STORM!
I've got 16 miles to take care of on Saturday and my concerns are endless. What will I wear? (Not a fashionable, "OMG what will I wear!?", but a concerned thought, "Crap, what will I wear?"). Should I bring a change of socks? It's going to be a wet run and I totally developed this blister on my left ring toe from my Wednesday run. If my socks are wet the whole time, I might get more blisters. Should I even bother trying to bring my music player? Electronics in the rain are a bit sketchy and I don't want to ruin my device. So many questions!
I even thought of driving home home (the Yay Area) to see if I could run in a rainless part of town, but it's going to be raining there too. I totally wish I could teleport somewhere where it was completely dry...ugh. The rain just makes me dread running SO much.
I honestly don't even know where I'm going with this blog entry today. I'm just SO exhausted from this week's running already (I even skipped today's 3 miles). Because it gets so damn dark in the afternoon so quickly, I've resorted to running in the early morning. It's still just as dark in the morning, but at least I'm running with daylight coming instead of going. Anyway, I've been getting up around 4:45am every day just to suit up and get out the door by 5am. These runs wouldn't be so bad, but now that I'm about half way into my training schedule, I'm having to run a good amount during the work week. 
This Wednesday I woke up at 4:30am. It took a little longer to get ready because I had to prep to run 9 miles (pants, shirt, jacket, watch, shoes, water bottle, and headlamp...yes, a headlamp. I want to be seen out there!). Now, I know that 9 miles is only about a third of the marathong, but 9 miles on a work day...in the morning... that's a lot to ask of a person. By 6:30am, I had already been up for 2 hours, logged in 9 miles, and hadn't even gotten ready for work yet. It was like my day was already half over.
The run itself was pretty calm and quiet. I don't bring headphones with me when it's dark, because then I can't see possible attackers. And if I can't see them, I can't reach for the pepper spray in time. By the way, I've never had to use the pepper spray, but I HAVE reached for it. It turned out, the mysterious man driving slowly by me in a white pick up truck at 5am was only the paper boy tossing newspapers out his windows. Anyway, I decided to run to Sac State and back, which wasn't that bad, just quiet. 
So I ran 9 miles on a Wednesday, which I think is a pretty large feat for myself. Unfortunately, I'll be running 10 next Wednesday, and 12 the Wednesday after that. With all this running during the week, I have become SO FREAKIN' TIRED. My schedule has me running 6 days a week now, but I almost think that's excessive. Hell, what do I know? I've never done this before! But seriously, my legs and body are kind of aching and my feet are always on the verge of cramping. I have no clue how I'm going to handle running even longer distances in a couple weeks. Why did I want to do this again?? I think I need to see a shrink. 
It's only7:20pm right now, and I'm already brewing my Sleepytime tea. I seriously don't know how marathongers do this... How do marathongers have normal working jobs AND have time and energy to train? This is just so hard... I'm actually getting cranky about it... BUT I'm already half way there, I may as well just finish it out, right?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So, I think running has slowly produced a hallow abyss that is now known as my stomach. My appetite lately has been completely insatiable and I can't ever feel full!! I imagine with all the miles that I'm logging in, that I'm burning a lot of energy and calories and, of course, that's why I'm always hungry.

But seriously. I went on an avocado binge earlier this week. AVOCADOS. That is NOT normal.

I went to the grocery store thinking that these avo's would be a delicious addition to my turkey sandwiches with havarti cheese and dijon. Nope, I just decided to eat them whole (I took the pit out, though).

Today, I've eaten 4 tangerines, 2 bananas, about 3 cups of pasta with sauce, 1/4 cup of steak, about a cup EACH of steamed carrots, zuchinni, and yellow squash, a slice of havarti cheese, a bag of popcorn, a nutrigrain bar... and I'm always looking for something else to eat!!

Anyway, my main staple right now is pasta and steamed veggies, but I'm thinking I need to add some variety into my diet. I'm not huge on cooking, so I'm always looking for quick meals that I can do at home. So this entry today is mainly a request to any athlete out there for simple ideas for quick meals!

I'm looking for cheap, healthy, energy filled ideas. ANY SUGGESTIONS? WHAT GIVES YOU TONS OF ENERGY?? I need to go grocery shopping again soon too...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fun Facts About T.Lee


Average Miles Per Week (right now): 41 miles

Pre-Run Routine: Ibuprofen, Banana, sometimes Oatmeal (peaches n cream)

Post-Run Routine: Ice, Water, Food

Song I could listen to forever on a run: Bass Head by Bassnectar (If you run, download it. If you work out, download it. If you drop Ecstasy and go to raves, download it.)

Running Shoe of Choice: Asics Nimbus (Yes, like Harry Potter's broomstick)

Quick Energy Fuel of Choice: Power Bar Gu - Latte

Assault Prevention Device of Choice: Police OC-17 Magnum Pepper Spray

Most Inspirational Runner: Shalane Flannagan (2008 Olympic Medalist and 2010 NYC Marathong top finisher...the NYC marathong was her FIRST marathong ever!)

Most Inspirational Athlete: Michael Jordan (because he failed so many times before succeeding)

Post Meal Food of Choice: ANYTHING carb-y

Weather Conditions of Choice: morning, 50 degrees, 0mph winds, overcast

Percentage of the day that I spend thinking (stressing) about running: 40%

Why I run: TO FINISH.


Friday, December 10, 2010


I have a bit of extra time before work, so I wanted to tell you guys....I FLIPPING TWEAKED MY ANKLE...A-FREAKIN'-GAIN.

I'm telling you... training for this marathong is getting me more and more frustrated and it's getting harder to stay motivated. It's a combination of crappy weather conditions (I will NEVER be training for another marathong in the winter...NEVER AGAIN), and injury, and it's sucking...hardcore. I'm lucky I haven't caught anyone's winter cold... yet (knock on wood).

So my story is basically, I went for a run while I was still in Colorado. This was 3 days after my horrible 12 miler and I figured, any run after THAT monstrosity of a run just had to be better. The temperature was a bit cooler, but I had my warm clothes, so no big deal. I decided to take the same route as I did on Friday (12 miler), and just go 2 miles out and 2 miles back.

WELL. Around the first mile and a half, I turn that corner and I see a bus approaching the bus stop, so I decided to kick it up a notch and pass the people waiting before they boarded the bus. I begin running just a tad faster and just as I'm passing the whole bus stop filled with people along with the actual BUS filled with people... MY ANKLE GIVES OUT. WTF.

At this point, the pain is all too familiar, and I just hobble off to to the side, hoping that not everyone would be staring at me. I couldn't look up out of sheer embarrassment. How does one run... in a straight and forward direction, in broad daylight, with nothing in the way, trip and hurt herself??! I was so frustrated that after the pain somewhat subsided, I turned around and went back to the house. F*%& THIS SH@#.

I wanted to amputate right then and there.

I was able to jog back and things are a little okay now. I logged in a 3 mile run today and the foot felt okay. I took some time off to let the ankle rest, and now I feel like my body is more out of shape from all the stoopy rest I've been doing. Everything just seems to be getting more and more frustrating...

BUT, the show must go on, the world must keep turning, and I must keep running. I have a 14 mile run to log in tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Altitude+Wind+Cold+Dehydration = One AMAZING run

I just remembered that I was totally going to take a picture of myself running in the cold and snowy weather to post on my blog, but it didn't snow...This blog needs some spice!

I went to Colorado Springs this past weekend to visit a friend (SHOUT OUT), but of course, just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean I get to skip training for the marathong. The plan was, I would fly out Friday, and get my 12 mile long run over with ASAP so that I could just enjoy the rest of my stay without the stress of thinking about running. That was the plan...

I knew going into it that I was going to be a possibly tough run considering the elevation that I would be at. In California, the elevation is around 20 feet. That's what this one website said anyway (YES, I looked it up). And where I was going to run...6008 feet. Tahoe is 720 feet and people warn me about that place... Anyway, my mom (SHOUT OUT) even emails me to make sure I "use caution" when I work out there...whatever that means. I'm either going to be okay about it, or be stoopy about it and give up. So I get to the house, change into my running gear, fill up the water bottle, and head out the door.

Then, like an old school Batman & Robin episode.... WHABLAM! This gigantic gust of wind starts blowing up a storm and I'm thrown back a little. "Okay...a little wind didn't hurt anyone. Let's do this!" I should have taken that as an omen, because I was about to have the worst run of my entire life...

I start running, the wind is starting to really pick up. I lead forward a bit more to try and take this wind monster head on, but I still seem to stumble back a little. At about mile 3, I start cursing under my breath a little bit because I'm getting frustrated. I'm in a place I don't know, the wind is blowing, like, 80 mph (no joke, that's what weather.com said), I'm 5988 feet above Sacramento, and to top it all off, I'm a bit dehydrated. FML. I almost called my friend to say, "I can't do this, come pick me up". ALMOST.

I turned the corner around mile 2 and looked ahead: It was uphill. WTF! I'm barely going negative 3 mph and I still have so far to go!...OMGFMLWTFetc. I pushed against the wind as I continued to try and run, but to no avail, I was slowing down and my legs were hurting. "I can't...I just can't...these are the worst conditions ever!" I continued to complain to myself as I just kept pushing.

I kept trying to stay motivated by telling myself that after this run, I won't have to do another long run for another week. Of course, I could just skip the whole thing, but then I'd feel horrible about not finishing the stoopy run and feel just as worse as I did at that moment in time. Might as well just trudge along...or quit...or keeping running...or quit...or keep running...

The wind died down a little bit towards the end of my run, but not by much. I ended up having to walk a few times because I was expending twice as much energy trying to run against the wind, but traveling at the same speed. Overall, this run was the BALLS. And to add some frosting to this cupcake, I forgot to start my Nike+ watch a few times during the run, so I didn't actually log in a full 12 miles. I RAN 12, but it only looks like I ran a bit over 10. BALLS I TELL YOU.

The one good thing to come out of it, though, is that I finished. 12 miles...less than half of the marathong I plan on running in February, but still. I finished. Under the worst of circumstances (and they WERE the worst), I was still able to continue running and not give up. To me, that will give me just another mental edge in the marathong. With every run I log in, I'm not only preparing my legs and lungs, but I'm also preparing my mind for one of the hardest mental challenges that anyone chooses to face. I'm really happy I finished, and I'm really proud that I didn't let mother nature bring me down....because good lord, she was kicking my ASK (Not a typo, read my other posts...you'll get it)!

To all you runners and goal getters out there (and that should be everyone): Set your mind on something and just get it. Even if it's just ONE run. No matter how small the goal is,  if you want it bad enough, nothing should stop you. The road might suck, but the finish line is great :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Nike+ Makes You Feel Totally Crazy AWESOME

IT'S OFFICIAL: I've logged in 200 (200.91 to be exact) miles since my last race in May 2010!!

I use the Nike+ system to log my miles, and I'm so happy it does! This marathong isn't until February so it's nice to have a little bit of good feeling between now and then. For my ABA homies: This is some pretty awesome intrinsic intermittent reinforcement.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What to Wear this Winter

Writing daily will NOT be my thing, I'm just super excited about my new gloves and this new website I found...

So my boss (SHOUT OUT) took me to Costco today because I needed these gloves for running (I don't have a membership...she does. She's not, like, my chaperone or anything). Lately, the circulation in my hands (or should I say LACK of circulation in my hands) sucks. The temps and the wind right now really make my bones hurt...seriously. Anyway, if you plan on running this winter, check out the gloves. They were only $10.

ALSO: My cousin (SHOUT OUT) works for Running Warehouse and they've got some totally sick gear for any type of runner. If you're looking for awesome gear, brand names, and good prices...check it. I just bought some awesome new kicks (Nike Lunar Swifts), some spandee pants, and a sick looking Asics jacket. LOVE IT.

Okay, so on another note.... I just found this AWESOME website for you runners.

Do you ever go on a run, then totally regret wearing what you decided to wear because it turned out to be way too hot or way too cold? Happens to me all the time. I like to be pretty warm and comfortable when I run so I tend to pack on the layers like an onion. I'm talking, tank top, short sleeve, long sleeve, jacket, etc. Oh, and pants too. Don't worry, I wear pants.

So anyway, this website lets you choose what the weather conditions are like. You enter the temp, whether the sun is out, if it's windy, and you also select how you like to feel when you run. Press the magical button, and VOILA! You've got your outfit... check it out, TIS AWESOMENESS.