What IS this? A center for ANTS?!

What IS this? A center for ANTS?!

No, this isn't a center for ants.

This is a journal. A chronicle, if you will, about the epic journey that I have chosen to endeavor.

In October of 2010, it was decided that I would run a marathong. These blog entries are stories that recorded the very moments which brought me to the ultimate event: The Surf City Marathong, February 6, 2011.

Since then, I have completed the Shamrock'n Half Marathong in March 2011, and now I'm training for another event...

The Parkway Half Marathong, April 30, 2011.

I've already finished a marathong... this should be CAKE...


Saturday, December 18, 2010


I totally thought of that title while on my 16 miler today. I thought it was pretty clever. Maybe not.

Anyway, today, I logged in 16 miles. 16 MILES! That's the most I've ever gone so far, so I have to say, I'm quite proud of myself. In addition to that, it was actually probably the best long run I've logged in so far.

Last week, I ran 14 miles for my long run and I was EXHAUSTED almost the whole time. And the entire time I was running, all I could think about was how I was only running 14 miles (half of the real race) and I was so butt tired. How the hell was I going to survive the marathong?! Well, silly me, I didn't think of it at the time, but I hadn't even thought of endurance supplements for my long runs. The last time I had GU was back in July, I think, and I had it on a 12 mile run. I didn't really feel a difference, and I just felt like I was consuming calories and not really expending them. But today, I ate a GU pack (Vanilla Bean: pretty tasty) 15 minutes before I started running, and then at another pack 45 minutes after that, and then one more 45 minutes after that.

Being able to compare how I felt last week, at 14 miles, with just water, to today, at 16 miles with water and GU... OMG. OH MY GU. It was like I was a completely different person. I actually felt GOOD running. Normally, I always feel like I wish I hadn't decided to run the marathong, but today, I was energized and kept a good pace! Of course, 16 miles is 16 miles, regardless of how much GU I consumed, and my legs and feet still are sore, but the time I spent running wasn't miserable. And that is awesome.

I managed to run a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathong and kept an average pace of sub 9 min for the entire run. Maybe not fast to some of you crazy runners, but for me, I'll take those numbers. Today was exactly what I needed to regain some of the motivation I lost over the last few runs of twisting my ankle and dealing with crappy weather conditions and blisters and all. Hopefully I can take this feeling and carry it on into the next couple of months. Come Januray, I'll be running 20 miles-ish and probably REALLY wishing I didn't decide to run this race... but we'll see!!


  1. Well, I'm impressed...and proud!

  2. answer me this....can you smellllll what the rock is cooking?

  3. What is GU? Good uppers? Great underwear? Gnome umbrellas?
